If the player is correctly registered with your own club within the Whole Game System, the system should inform you whether the player is currently suspended or not. In the 'Player Registration' tab, a suspended player will have a red card next to their name if they are currently suspended, or a red egg-timer if they have a pending suspension.

Current and pending suspensions for players connected to a club can be found on the collapsible 'Suspensions' menu on the main club dashboard, and there is a live suspension checker on our website which can be accessed using the following link: Suspensions.

If you have a concern that a player may be suspended or his/her name is spelt incorrectly please contact a member of the Governance Team and we can check this for you.

If you believe a player has completed a suspension within your club and they are still showing as suspended, please check the relevant matches have been entered via the 'Matches' tab.